Three Outfits, One of a Kind Photos

Triple the Outfits, Triple the YOU

You’re not just a one-note wonder – you’ve got layers, dimensions, moods! So why shouldn’t your senior photos reflect all those dynamic sides of you?

Everyday Casual
We all have that comfort zone outfit – the one that feels just right. Maybe it's that go-to jeans and graphic tee combo, or the summer dress you can’t get enough of! Let's start there, showcasing the casual, everyday you!

Glam Mode
Think about that little sparkle of confidence you get when you dress up for special occasions. A 2 piece set, a twirly dress, or some heels that make you feel cute - authentic, but amplified! Let’s highlight the polished, confident side of you!

The Unexpected
Want to truly wow your friends with unique photos? Whether it's a sporty ensemble, vintage vibes, or just downright quirky. Bring on the unexpected

It's not just about changing clothes. It's about capturing the beautiful complexity that is you! Variety ensures that your photos aren’t just photos, but a glimpse into who you were during your senior year of high school!

Eager to showcase all those layers? Reach out, and let’s dive deep!

📣 A little whisper to my girlies who have already booked: It’s never too late to add on an extra outfit!


Bold or Neutral Senior Photos? Both!


Boys Senior Photos: No Fuss, All Fun